Wednesday, January 20, 2010

UMass Nanotechnology Summer Institute

  • Monday to Friday, June 28 - July 2, 2010 at UMass Amherst
  • Funded by the National Science Foundation
  • Sponsored by the STEM Education Institute and the Center for Hierarchical Manufacturing
  • Middle and High School Science, Math, and Technology Teachers
  • $75/day stipends ($375 total), materials, parking, lunches
  • Housing and meals for those outside the commuting radius
  • 3 graduate credits available at reduced cost; free PDP's (Professional Development Points)
  • Ongoing partnerships with UMass faculty
The UMass Nanotechnology Summer Institute will explore the basic science and engineering concepts of this exciting new field, and will illustrate how they may be integrated into the usual math, science and technology courses in middle schools and high schools. The content and pedagogy will be aligned with the Massachusetts Science and Technology/Engineering Framework.

During the institute, participants will begin to develop curriculum units for their own classes. They will complete and implement these in the fall and report on their progress and results electronically.

Three graduate credits will be available for the institute and curriculum unit; the cost will be $300 plus a $45 registration fee: PDP's will be available at no cost.

Application process: Teachers should prepare a narrative statement of how they intend to use the institute materials in their classroom. They should also include in their application package a recent resume and a letter of support from their school principal or superintendent. The application package can be submitted by email, fax, or US mail.

Click here for an application form in Microsoft Word format.

Contact information at the STEM Education Institute:
voice: 413-545-1908, fax: 413-545-3697