Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Summer professional development opportunity at NU for Secondary STEM Teachers interested in Engineering – CAPSULE.

What is CAPSULE?

CAPSULE is a two-week Engineering Project-Based professional development experience for high school science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) teachers funded by the National Science Foundation. Northeastern University and the Museum of Science in collaboration with the Boston Public Schools invite you to join us this summer in the design and implementation of CAPSULE, providing Capstone experiences for High School Students. Participants will be immersed in a variety of engineering experiences supporting the development of a menu of engineering capstone experiences for the high school classroom.

Applications can be completed on-line at: http://www.stem.neu.edu/capsule.htm

Program Components

• Participation in two-week summer professional development course (option for Northeastern University credit)

• Participation in a supporting on-line community

• Participation in two callback sessions during the academic year

• Development of pre-capstone and/or capstone student project

• Implementation of project during the academic year with your students

• Participation in a culminating student day (Spring 2011)


• $1,500 stipend for participation in the two-week course;

• $500 for follow-up meetings and participation in online community;

• $500 towards supporting classroom materials and supplies;

• Graduate credit is available.


• Must teach high school-level science, technology, engineering, or math course(s).

• Must have prior experience with Engineering course work or professional development.

• Must be familiar with the Engineering Design Process (EDP)e

Dates & Information

Key Dates and Program Information

July 19 - 30, 2010 - Summer Program Dates

April 23, 2010* BPS priority deadline

April 30, 2010 Application Deadline

May 14, 2010 Notification

All applicants will be notified of their status via email by May 14, 2010. Due to the intensity of the program, we cannot make provision for vacation or personal time during the program except under extreme circumstances.

*Boston Public School Teachers that apply by April 23rd are given first priority in this program. The maximum number of teachers accepted this year will be 30.

2010 RET

Summer Research Opportunity for Teachers and Community College Faculty - Northeastern University

The Research Experiences for Teachers (RET)
program is a six-week summer research experience for high school mathematics and science teachers and Community College Faculty funded by the National Science Foundation. Participants work in state-of-the-art research laboratories affiliated with the Colleges of Arts & Sciences and Engineering, The Bernard M. Gordon Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems (CenSSIS), the Awareness and Localization of Explosives-Related Threats (ALERT) Center, and the Center for High-rate Nanomanufacturing (CHN).

A stipend of $6,000 will be provided to participants in addition to $500 for classroom materials and supplies.

Professional development for participating teachers is provided by the Center for STEM Education.
Completed applications must be received by April 2, 2010. Applicants will be notified of their status via email by April 16, 2010. Due to the intensity of the program, we cannot make provision for vacation or personal time during the program except under extreme circumstances.
Please feel free to contact Claire Duggan, Project Director (c.duggan@neu.edu) at 617.373.2036 with any questions.

For more information about the Research Experiences for Teachers at Northeastern University program, visit http://www.stem.neu.edu/ret.htm

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

2010 Amgen Award for Science Teach Excellence: Extended deadline for applications: Monday, February 15, 2010, 5 p.m. PST

Amgen is extending its application deadline for the 2010 Amgen Award for Science Teaching Excellence (AASTE). The award is designed to recognize and honor extraordinary science teachers at the K-12 level in communities where Amgen operates, including Massachusetts. Last year, four (4) teachers from schools in Massachusetts were AASTE recipients.

The selected winners will receive the following benefits: An unrestricted cash award of $5,000USD and a restricted $5,000USD cash grant to the recipient’s school for the expansion or enhancement of a school science program, science resources, or the professional development of the school’s science teachers.

Following is a link that contains information about the award, including criteria and the application process on Amgen’s website: http://www.amgen.com/citizenship/aaste.html