Friday, April 26, 2013

What if math???

What if Math announces $1,000 in prizes to be given out to the best  Spreadsheet Math Experiments on sustainability. The contest is open  to all K-12 students in the United States. What if Math is a  revolutionary math program built by students for students using  spreadsheet-based-projects to help students learn math. We treat  spreadsheets as laboratories to experiment on interesting problems,  to build models, organize data, and ask what if The top five  Spreadsheet Math Experiments on sustainability developed by students  will be published on the What if Math website for other students to  perform. Their authors will receive a $200 cash prize!

Join us in developing this new way to learn the math everyone uses in  business today and that we need to learn to prepare every student for  the future. We welcome you to as a student  and as an inventor. Go to the website to learn more.

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